Special "With you for Life" Bags
Benchmark believes in reaching out to folks going through certain changes in their lives Among them are moving to a new home, getting married, and having a child. All of these usually mean adjusting or restructuring finances. For those occasions, we offer the following:
For Newcomers:
Relocating or just moved to the area? Welcome to Southside Virginia or northern North Carolina! We are pleased you have chosen to move here and hope you will love it as much as we do.
To help you get to know both us and the area better, we would like to give you a Welcome Bag. This sturdy canvas bag contains helpful information on the area such as a map, a list of community organizations, and business resources. It also has information on Benchmark products and services and some helpful tools to help make your account transitions just a little bit easier. Plus, as our way of saying we're glad you're here, we've added some Benchmark gifts. We hope you will find them useful.
To get your Welcome Bag, just fill out our request form or call the branch nearest your new home.
Please also take a minute to read our Pledge to our customers and the communities we serve.
For Newly Engaged Couples:
Getting married often means combining finances and, in doing so, many decisions need to be made. Do you open joint accounts or keep separate ones? If you need a loan, do you co-sign? What type of savings plans do you adopt?
To help you with these important decisions and make the transition to married life, Benchmark has put together a congratulations bag full of information to help with making decisions as a new couple, information on Benchmark products and services, and some gifts for your new life together.
To get your Engagement Bag, simply fill out the request form or call the branch nearest you.
For New Parents:
Awaiting the arrival of a new baby is always exciting. We share in that excitement for you. To welcome your new family member and help you with the very first financial considerations you will need to make for the child, we have put together a New Parents Bag of information, plus a special gift for the child. It all comes in a sturdy canvas bag that you should find handy for toting baby supplies!
To get your New Parents Bag, simply fill out the request form or call the branch nearest you.
At Benchmark, no matter what changes you're going through in your life, we can help on the financial side. As we like to say, when you come to Benchmark for assistance, "It's in the bag!"