Special Notices


New Website on the Horizon

brick background with new web addressBenchmark Community Bank is launching a new look and address for our online presence. BCBforLife.bank will go live on Tuesday, March 25, 2025.

Only banking institutions qualify for a DotBank domain lending an element of security to the bank’s online address. According to President/CEO Neil Burke, "For several years, bad actors posing as bankers have been able to scam unsuspecting victims out of large amounts of cash, savings, time deposits, and more. This move to a DotBank domain is not necessarily fail-safe as customers must remain vigilant by checking that e-mail addresses are legitimate before responding and not clicking on links included in questionable messages."

For Internet Banking and Business eBanking (BeB) customers, current login credentials will not change with the move to BCBforLife.bank. The login location will be in the upper right corner of the home page.

All Benchmark e-mails (employees, departments, and general) will change from @bcbonline.com to @BCBforLife.Bank. Customers and vendors are advised to make those adjustments in their contact files. Please note that the new e-mail addresses will not go live until March 25, 2025.

Please contact your local branch with any questions you may have.

Protect Yourself from Scammers

red suitcase with scuba gear

Have you or someone you know received a text or request from someone claiming to be from your bank’s fraud department? Stop! Don’t click, forward, or respond.
Benchmark will never ask you:

     • to video chat through such services as Facetime or another online video app;
     • for personal information including full social security number, online banking login information, account numbers;
     • to make payments through an online cash service such as PayPal, CashApp, Apple Pay, or other payment apps.

Keep your accounts secure! If you receive one of these messages:
     • Don't panic.
     • Stop and think before you act on unsolicited communications.
     • If a message claims to be from Benchmark: call 434-676-2666, option 3. R
eport what you received. They will advise next steps.
     • Check your accounts for any unauthorized activity.
     • For peace of mind, change each site’s password/passphrase and record them in a secure location.
     • Contact your local branch to report what happened.

Thank you for working with us to keep your dollars secure. We appreciate the trust you place in us. 

Travel Preparation

red suitcase with scuba gear

When planning a trip, always remember to alert your local branch as to the locations and dates that you will be traveling. Monitoring systems normally block debit card transactions outside of your normal day-to-day area of spending and those that look suspicious. This will keep that from happening. Learn more about our debit card protection program. Also, learn more about SecurLOCK, a protection service for your Benchmark Visa debit or credit card we offer to you for free.


person pressing send on computer keyboardCommunication is becoming increasingly electronic. Unlike physical addresses,e-mail addresses can be easily and quickly changed. Make sure that you update your e-mail address with us when it changes. When we don't get word of the change, we lose the ability to send important updates and notices, including some exciting opportunities! If your e-mail has changed since you last gave us one or if you are new to e-mail, please let us know.

Show Your ID Card

Ever came to the bank to cash a check and been asked for your ID by the teller? It can be frustrating to be asked for your ID when you’ve been banking at a certain branch for years, plus you’re on a first-name basis with nearly every employee at that branch.

identification cardWhy do tellers need my ID to cash a check? Tellers may need to ask for your ID at some point. One of those times may be when new hires come on board. They are learning people’s names and faces as they go and haven’t become familiar with you just yet. Another instance may be when a "floater" or temporary teller is filling in at the branch. He may not know who you are since he’s just visiting for a bit and not one of the regular employees who normally waits on you. Whenever a teller asks you for your ID, it’s all about protection to make sure they’re giving the money to you, the real payee of the check, and not to someone pretending to be you.

Here’s what you can do: Bankers pride themselves on knowing their customers. Help them learn who you are by providing your ID when asked. Although it may seem unnecessary and inconvenient at the time, tellers could be your first line of defense against someone fraudulently obtaining your money.

Depositsperson signing check

Changes from the Federal Reserve concerning Regulation CC (Funds Availability): If we place a hold on a check you deposit, the funds will generally be available on the second business day after the day of deposit.

Holiday Closings & Special Hoursbank holidays

Benchmark will close to observe the following holidays in 2025:

Holiday Date

New Year's Day

Wednesday, January 1


Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Monday, January 20

Presidents Day

Monday, February 17

Memorial Day

Monday, May 26


Thursday, June 19

Independence Day

Friday, July 4

Labor Day

Monday, September 1

Columbus Day

Monday, October 13

Veterans Day

Tuesday, November 11

Thanksgiving Day

Thursday, November 27

Christmas Day

Thursday, December 25




We encourage you to use Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, Banking by Phone
(800) 245-7506, BCBonTheGo, and our convenient ATMs when the bank is closed.

Business Hours During Inclement Weather

If our bank closes early, opens late, or will be closed, announcements will be made on our Facebook page as well as the following radio stations in these markets:

  • WBBC (Blackstone, Crewe, Kenbridge, and Victoria)
  • WEVA (Emporia)
  • WFLO (Farmville)
  • WHLF (Halifax and South Boston)
  • WKSK (Lawrenceville and South Hill)
  • WLUS (Chase City and Clarksville)

Are You Ready to Weather Any Storm?

In the face of a natural disaster or another emergency, Benchmark wants your banking to be among the least of your concerns. Being prepared to weather whatever storm strikes will help you to have peace of mind until all systems are once again on "go."

There are several things you can do to ensure your financial operations proceed as normal even though your local branch may not be open:

  • Cash and credit cards: Be ready to pay for what you need. Be sure to have cash and credit cards with you, particularly if you are traveling. In the event of widespread power outages, you may not be able to get cash from ATMs or your usual cash-back retailers. Take with you what you believe you will need. If you have more than one credit card, take at least two with you in the event your provider’s system is not working during the storm or its aftermath.
  • BCB Mobile Banking: Most, if not all, transactions attempted on mobile banking will be available to you. If you have not taken advantage of our mobile banking app, visit Google Play or the App Store to download and register.
  • BCB Internet Banking: If you are away from home and have access to secure Wi-Fi, you should be able to access Internet Banking. Please be sure you do not use a public computer or open access Wi-Fi where others can possibly see your personal banking information.
  • Online payments, automatic drafts, and direct deposits: Online bill pay payments, automatic drafts, and direct deposits should process normally since they are not necessarily dependent upon our offices being open. Some could be delayed, so please be aware. You may be assessed a late fee for anything delayed. However, most providers are prepared to work with you to reverse fees post-storm in the event your payment was attempted and delayed.
  • Mobile Deposits: Mobile deposits are processed upon receipt dependent upon our ability to access your activity. In the event of widespread power outages, your mobile deposits may be delayed. Please do not depend on having access to those funds in the event our offices are closed during a natural disaster.
  • Is my branch open? Benchmark’s footprint now stretches from Wake Forest to Farmville and Emporia to South Boston. We will do our best to have your branch open to serve your banking needs, though life safety concerns and the availability of electricity will determine branch operations. Please check your local radio, television, and other public communications that typically share inclement weather closures.
  • News via Facebook: If you or someone close to you is active on Facebook, be sure to "Like and Share" our Facebook page. Our updates with the most up-to-the-minute information regarding branch activity will appear on your news feed.

We hope that we are all spared any serious impact, though we want each of you to be prepared for whatever comes our way. It is our honor and privilege to serve you and assist you on your banking journey. Please do not hesitate to let us know how we can help you navigate any banking concerns due to any impact you may encounter.